What is a MoistureStop Desiccant Pouch, how is it used, and why should I use it?
The MoistureStop Desiccant Pouch is a small, airtight zipper bag, utilized for desiccating all of the Filter Bags that are used with ANKOM instrumentation. A single pouch can hold a full run of F57, F58 or XT4 bags at one time. When folded, 6 IDF or SDF bags can also be placed into a MoistureStop Desiccant Pouch. Each time a bag has been removed from the desiccant pouch, the air can and should be pushed out. The "zipper" does not have to be used with every bag removal but some action should be taken to keep the air from entering the pouch while the just removed Filter Bag is being weighed. For example, air can be pushed out of the bag by laying it on a firm surface while compressing or flattening the air out of the pouch with your hand.
Many instruments in the marketplace have the capacity to run 6 samples at a time. After being dried, the beakers, flasks or crucibles are placed into a counter top or cabinet desiccator. Once cooled, they are then removed one at a time and weighed. Each time the desiccator is opened to remove sample, moist ambient air is introduced inside the desiccator. However, because the lid or door of the desiccator is opened just 6 times, the samples that remain in the desiccator after each item is removed are affected very little by ambient moisture that may be introduced.
However, with Filter Bag Technology, generally larger numbers of Filter Bags are extracted at a time. As with the beakers, flasks and crucibles mentioned above, if the bags are placed in a desiccator after drying, each time the lid or door is opened to remove a bag, moist, ambient air is introduced. Because the desiccator is opened up to 24 times, the moisture can more readily affect the remaining bags. If a collapsible, ANKOM desiccant pouch is utilized, the air can be pushed out of the pouch each time a Filter Bag is removed. This will eliminate a build up of moisture on the remaining Filter Bags and allow for a more accurate and precise result. Every month it is possible to place the small desiccant packets into the oven at 100° - 105 ° C for a few hours to insure that the desiccant is renewed. In addition, to ensure the integrity of the zip lock bag, regular replacement should be considered.